Tuesday 20 March 2012

Our Group Spring Session was Fantastic!

We had a very good turn out for our Spring Group Session. Students were well-mannered and got along very well. We played a game called 'Musical Shamrocks' and enjoyed Key Lime floats together before heading down to the piano studio to share our music, tips and feedback with each other. We had a variety of musical abilities and interests which kept the sharing block engaging. Our piano and voice students all did a wonderful job and kept their music alive with strong dynamics, 'dancing' phrasing, and an upbeat tempo where necessary.

Preparation is the key to a good performance. Your steady practicing and diligence has paid off.  I am very excited to hear you again in June at our year-end recital! 
(Confirmed date and location for recital will be posted on this blog for you soon.)

Thank you to everyone that came by and shared the fun!

Happy Spring to all of our Music Students!

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